By investing a lot of effort in research and development of new cultivars, we stay on the lookout for new trends of the market. This allow us to acquire an important part of the market in North America.

Our Services

Patate Lac-Saint-Jean offer many services to their customers such :

Sale and marketing

Cooperative who sale and market the production of potatoes from their 5 members-farms. More than fifty varieties are produced which about 30 are offered for the commercialisation to our differents customers of all categories in North America.


Holder of the accreditation of Canada GAP, we offer packed potatoes in all format from 5 to 50 pounds. Our customers includes both consumers than wholesalers.

Technical support after sales

Available for our customers, our sales and agronomical team offer a technical support after sales by answering to the questions and demands during all the season. Our team may also visit the fields if necessary.

Research and development

Every year, more than hundred varieties provided from different breeders are tested in our trials networks to select the ones who best meets expectations of the differents markets of production and commercialisation. With the process of continuous improvement, we carry out many research projects in collaboration with differents partners in order to resolve various issues that can happen in the fields on potatoes. At every season of commercialisation, all the seed lots are tested for germination in order to provide a quality product destinated to the seed customers. Self-sufficient in base seed, we possess necessary infrastructures in order to produce our mini tubers from our own seed lings.

Desinfection Center

We possess a disinfection center situated at 300, route Louis-Hemon in Peribonka. This center offer :

The service of disinfection and washing of equipments, trucks and trailers. The service of weighting of various merchandise



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